The Newton, a hand held Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) by Apple Computer and Sony, is a truly remarkable machine (at least to those of us who don't have one and can only dream...), but unfortunetly not immune to errors. The good news is, it doesn't have that many, yet.
They way I've listed the Newton errors is a bit less straight forward then the Mac system errors because I'm not sure of the way they show up on the Newton. I do know the format so there shouldn't be too many problems (I hope!).
An example of a Newton error would be -48002, which is 'store format is too old to understand'. Ignore the -4, as far as I know it currenly has no meaning except to be there. The '80' part of the number is the error type, which would be 'Store Errors'. These are listed in the 'Error Type' section. The '002' is the error number which specifically identifies what the error is. These are listed in the 'Error Number' section. Put the two together and your on a roll...
If there are any I'm missing please e-mail me (see Freeware Notice) and I'll include it in the next release. Thanks.
Error Type
80 Store Error
82 Object System Error
84 Bad Type Error
88 Interpreter Error
Error Number
2 store format is too old to understand
3 store format is too new to understand
4 store is corrupted, cannot recover
5 single object is corrupted, cannot recover
9 not a soup entry
10 tried to remove a store that was not registered
11 soup index has an unknown type
12 soup index has an unknown key structure
13 soup index does not exist
14 a soup with this name already exists
15 tried to CopyEntries to an unknown soup
16 soup is invalid
17 soup is invalid
18 entry is invalid
19 key does not have the type specified in the index
20 store is in ROM
21 soup already has an index with this path
22 internal error
23 tried to call RemoveIndex on the _uniqueID index
24 queary type missing or unknown
25 discovered index inconsistency
200 expected frame, array, or binary object, but got something else
202 empty path
203 invalid segment in path
204 path failed
205 index out of bounds (string or array)
206 source and destination must be different objects
207 long out of range (too large or small)
210 bad arguments
211 string too big
214 object is read-only
215 functionality is unimplemented
400 expected a frame
401 expected an array
402 expected a string
403 expected a pointer
404 expected a number
405 expected a real
406 expected an integer
407 expected a character
408 expected a binary object
409 expected a path expression, symbol or integer
410 expected a symbol
411 expected a symbol
412 expected a fram or an array
413 expected an array or NIL
414 expected a string or NIL
415 expected a binary object or NIL
416 unexpected frame
417 unexpected binary object
418 unexpected immediate
499 unexpected Spanish Inquisition
800 not in a break loop, but presumably called break